Kenyeres Elemér
He was born 31 January 1891 in Pusztamagyaród, where his father workes
as a cantor and teacher. The family moved to Diósgyőr in 1901.
He continued his studies in Miskolc and Eger; he learnt Philosophy, German,
French and English, as well.
He graduated as a teacher in 1914.
He fought as a volunter in the first World War, he got several valour
He worked for the Training College for Kindergarten Teachers from 1919,
from 1923 he was a secretary of Kisdednevelők Országos Egyesülete and
editor of Kisdednevelés magazine.
In 1924 he graduated as a Doctor of Pedagogy, Philosophy and Psychology
at the University of Budapest.
In 1926 he got a pedagogy scholarship at the University of Geneva. He worked
for the University of Physical Education from 1929.
He was the secretary-general of the Magyar Gyermektanulmányi és Lélektani
Társaság, he set up Montessori classes at Brunszvik Teréz Training College
for Kindergarten Teachers.
He worked with all his heart; his works are valuable in the development
of pedagogy.
He worked with children and edited picture books that developed children's
morals and taste.
His works:
A kisdednevelés elméletének fejlődése
A gyermek első szavai és a szófajok fellépése
A gyermek beszédének fejlődése
A gyermek gondolkodásának és világfelfogásának fejlődése
Once he said: 'Love of children does not satisfy us. Our motto is: Love
and get acquainted with them! Get acquainted them to love, educate and
guard in a better way.'